Orchids and Lemons
Do you grow orchids, Road Trips Gardeners? What about citrus trees?
Here’s a chance to indulge both passions on one trip. Concurrent with the 81st Fête du Citron, there’s an Orchid Festival — both take place February 15 through March 5, 2014, in the Alpes-Maritimes region of France.
The orchid fest, presented by the Association des Orchidophiles et Épiphytophiles de France, will be in the Palais de l’Europe in Menton.
That town — known as “La Cité des Citrons — is the center for the citrus-focused festivities, also scheduled from February 15 through March 5, 2014.
(Photo courtesy of the Association des Orchidophiles et Epiphytophiles de France)