Dallas Arboretum/Botanical Garden Reopens Today
The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden, 8525 Garland Road, Dallas, Texas, reopens today (1 June 2020).
Advance online timed tickets are now required. Face masks are highly encouraged in the garden, but they are required in restrooms and indoor facilities. To keep guests and employees safe, the garden is operating with new federal, state and local guidelines to minimize physical contact and adhere to social distancing including the City of Dallas’ policy and guidelines for wearing masks. In addition, a maximum of 1,000 people are allowed in the garden at any one time during a four-hour block.
The Dallas Arboretum has created a modified path around the garden to make it easier for people to enjoy the beautiful grounds while social distancing. There is also a half-mile path from each parking lot. The Paseo de Flores is now two ways in most areas, so people may come in and take a quick trip to their favorite picnic areas.
Guests can also enjoy respite in the Pecan Grove, the Jonsson Color Garden, on the Camp House Lawn and the lawn of the Lay Family Garden.
- Advance online ticket reservations are required for entrance by members and non-members.
- No tickets are sold at the gate.
- Although members get in free with their current membership, they do need to reserve a time block online and in advance.
- People who have a gift certificate or other promotional ticket must call the office number to reserve a timed ticket.
- Tickets are available on a rolling basis for dates up to seven days out.
- To reserve e-tickets, visit the website or call 214.515.6615.

- Reservations are for four-hour blocks for the time specified only. Early arrivals are asked to wait in the safety of their vehicle. Late arrivals will be required to exit the garden at the end of their specified time.
- Colored wristbands will be given to guests upon entering the garden and must be worn during the visit.
- The Arboretum will assign all guests a parking location to allow for social distancing at the gates and in the parking lots.
- Groups are limited to no more than 10 people outside your household.
- Modified maps are given to each guest at the ticket booth upon arrival.

- The Dallas Arboretum is encouraging visitors to bring their own food and drinks.
- There is to-go food service at the Lula Mae Slaughter Dining Terrace provided by Gil’s Elegant Catering.
- Drinking fountains are off, but the water refill station at the main Information Booth is available.
- There are no trams operating.
- Wagon rentals are not available.
- Most buildings are closed including, A Tasteful Place Test Pavilion, the DeGolyer House and the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden.
- The Hoffman Family Gift Store has merchandise and water for sale on tables outside – open 12:30-4:00 p.m. daily.
- Members can still get in from 7:00-9:00 a.m. for morning walks with an advance reservation.
Garden Hours:
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Tuesday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (starting June 9)
Thursday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. (for members: 9 a.m.-8 p.m.)
(Photos courtesy of Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden)