Christmas Season With a Montréal Flair
Christmas Season With Flair, a blend of tradition, art and rustic charm, is underway through January 5, 2014, at the Montréal Botanical Garden, 4101 rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
The Main Exhibition Greenhouse presents a tribute to the Nordic nature of Québec, with five Christmas trees (each almost 10 feet tall) below a flight of six life-sized reindeer made from recycled materials soar through the greenhouse’s airspace.
Arriving at the Botanical Garden, visitors will see an immense outdoor botanical sculpture covered in willow branches suggesting antlers. In the exhibition greenhouses, unusual lamps decorated with wreaths show off the Botanical Garden’s collection. There are several more Christmas trees — one of red poinsettias, one of ferns and others of shiny steel wrapped in plant garlands.
At the end of the greenhouse trail, sip on warm herbal tea from the Great North at the Biodiversity Centre’s 1000 Days for the Planet Base Camp while learning how antlers are used as communication tools.
(Photo courtesy of Espace pour la Vie)