Lilac Time in Lombard
Lilac Time in Lombard, Illinois, is on now (official dates are May 2 through 17, 2015) in Lilacia Park, 150 South Park Avenue, Lombard, Illinois. Hours are dawn to dusk.
Like many famous gardens, Lilacia is the legacy of a couple who fell in love with a particular plant. Col. William Plum and his wife Helen Maria Williams Plum discovered lilacs while traveling in France, brought two cultivars home to Lombard and the rest (as they say) is history.
Their collection, donated to the city, comprises some 800 bushes representing more than 200 varieties.;
If you want to time your visit to a special event, check out the online calendar. Otherwise, just roll up to the park and inhale the heady scent of spring.
(Photo courtesy of Lilac Time)