Minneapolis Home + Garden Show
The next Minneapolis Home + Garden Show takes place over two weekends in the Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Set for February 24,25 and 26, 2017, plus March 3, 4 and 5, 2017, it will feature eight landscapers from Minnesota who’ll use “Gardens Around the World” as their inspiration. Members of the Minnesota State Horticulture Society are planning presentations throughout both weekends.
If your garden’s in the same climate zone, Road Trips Gardener, consider being there for the annual plant sale. It starts at 5 p.m. the last Sunday of the show (March 5) and is a great time to bag bargains from the landscapers who don’t want to haul everything back to their shops.
Here’s a video about last year’s show:
(Photo and video courtesy of Minneapolis Home + Garden Show)