Western Reserve Herb Society Herb Fair
Celebrate herbs at the 73rd annual Herb Fair set for October 13, 2018, at the Cleveland Botanical Garden, 11030 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio. Hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This year the Western Reserve Herb Society will turn the spotlight on hops, the 2018 “Herb of the Year”. Discover how to grow this herb as a decorative landscape accent, and how to use hops for relaxation and sleep. Create a small pillow for sweet dreams in the hops workshop.
The fair will also include workshops on how to make your own natural cleaning spray, and booths focused on herbs for culinary use, wreaths and dried arrangements, herbal teas, cards and gifts, and potpourri.
Free, casual education programs will cover a wide range of topics including creating an herb garden, culinary herbs, the Herb of the Year, tulsi basil and blending teas, and potpourri.
Western Reserve Herb Society members will be on hand to answer your questions abut herbal gardening and cooking.