Spring Blooms in Indianapolis
Sometimes publicity folks get a bit carried away with poetic language. Here’s how Newfields, 4000 North Michigan Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, describes “Spring Blooms“, open from March 22, 2019, through May 26, 2019:
“Imagine an idyllic, pastoral campus carpeted with over 500,000 blooms. A ravishing cascade of flowers will unfold, from tulips to peonies. Thousands of netted iris, crocus, hyacinth, and early daffodils have been planted all across campus. Native, perennial wildflowers will enhance our permanent beds.
“As the weather warms, the outdoor displays begin to swell. Look for the tall, Dr. Seuss-like blooms of Allium ‘White Giant’ near the Sutphin Fountain and the slate-purple colored bell-like flowers of the Persian Fritillary at the front of Lilly House.
“For this year’s outdoor exhibition, our massive team of staff and volunteers planted even more bulbs than last year. One hundred thousand more, to be specific! To top it off, our Beer Garden returns in the spring. You’re welcome to grab a beverage and wander The Garden. Come early and often to watch nature paint the landscape in slow motion at Newfields.”
Well, then, what Road Trips Gardener would miss a stop in Indianapolis this spring?
(Image of Netted Iris – Iris reticulata by Joseph Dalton Hooker in 1866 from Curtis’s Botanical Magazine Vol XXII, Third Series)