Toowoomba Clivia Society Show
After bougainvillea, your Road Trips Gardener’s favorite flower is the clivia. Here’s an event that’s definitely on her bucket list.
The Toowoomba Clivia Society holds its annual show during the city’s Carnival of Flowers (September 20 through 29, 2019). This year’s clivia show dates are September 20 through 25, 2019, in the TAFE Queensland Toowoomba campus, 100 Bridge Street (but the entrance is on Campbell Street opposite the Botanical Gardens), Old Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
The clivia was “discovered” by Western gardeners in the early 1800s in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa. If you’d like a detailed history of this magnificent plant, check out the Clivia Society’s pdf here.
(Photo courtesy of Toowoomba Clivia Society)