Articles in Africa

The bouquet in a hotel lobby in N’Djamena, Chad, included bougainvillea in 2014.
(Photo ©2014 by Susan McKee)

Spotted in a city garden in Rabat, Morocco: white calla lilies in bloom.
Wikipedia says, “Zantedeschia is a genus of eight species of herbaceous, perennial, flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to southern Africa …

A beautiful welcoming bouquet at the entrance to the restaurant Dar Moha Almadina in Fez, Morocco.
(Photo ©2013 by Susan McKee)

A lavish two-level profusion of yellow roses greeted visitors to the Nyali International Beach Resort just north of Mombasa, Kenya, in 2013.
The Indian Ocean laps the sandy beaches of the resort, which opened in 1946.
(Photo …

Plants and flowers of all colors are found in this lavish container garden on the grounds of the Severin Sea Lodge in Mombasa, Kenya.
Mombasa, along the shore of the Indian Ocean, is known for its …

Shocking pink hibiscus bloomed in profusion in the landscaping around the Serena Nairobi Hotel in Kenya in 2013.
According to Wikipedia, hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is …

The first Johannesburg International Flower Show will take place October 30 through November 3, 2019, in the Mall of Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Look for an exhibition filled with flowers, gardens, nursery displays, music, and food …

Wildflowers grow among the stones remaining in the ancient city of Carthage, just outside Tunis, Tunisia.
(Photo ©2019 by Susan McKee)

When the daily temperatures are over 100° F it’s hard to maintain a flower garden.
The landscapers at the Hilton Hotel in N’Djamena, the capital of Chad, have tried planting a floral circle with a variety …

In a city where the daytime temps often exceed 110° F, the most lasting blooms are often representations of reality.
These floral ceramic tiles are outside the doorway to the Hilton N’Djamena in the capital city …