Articles tagged with: Hawaii
The 75th annual Floral Parade takes place from 9 a.m. to noon September 30, 2023, in Waikiki, Hawaii.
The route runs from Ala Moana Park through Kal?kaua Avenue to Kapi‘olani Park.
Aloha Festivals’ Aloha Week officially ends …
Special to Road Trips for Gardeners
By the Discoverer Blog
Whether you’re trying to beat the summer heat beneath the leafy shade or escape the winter cold inside tropical greenhouses, botanical gardens are a popular year-round …
As any of us Road Trips Gardeners know first hand, it’s really, really hard to convince a bougainvillea plant to blossom as a house plant.
In places such as Maui (where this photo was taken), bougainvillea …