Articles in South America

Flower enthusiasts rave about La Feria de las Flores. This marks the 62nd year for the annual celebration of flowers in Medellín, Colombia, set for August 2 through August 11, 2019.
More than 400 different events …

Evergreens are decorated for Christmas, even at the southern tip of the Southern Hemisphere.
This festive holiday tree graced the lobby of the Arakur Hotel in Ushuaia, Argentina, in December 2017.
(Photo ©2017 by Susan McKee)

Headed to South America next month, Road Trips Gardeners? If Colombia is on your itinerary consider a stop in Medellin for La Feria de las Flores (Festival of Flowers). It runs from August 3 through …

No doubt when you’ve stopped to pick up flowers at the supermarket, Road Trips Gardeners, you’ve seen the tag: grown in Colombia.
Well, the South American country is justly famous for its flowers and exports them …

Your Road Trips Gardener confesses that she can’t positively identify these colorful blooms.
Our photographer snapped ’em on Parrot Island in the Brazilian province of Santa Catarina (that’s about an hour south of Rio de Janiero, …

In North America, the flower known as the amaryllis is a Christmas conceit, often forced to bloom indoors in late December as part of holiday decorations.
But, it seems, this blossoming bulb isn’t really an …

Brilliant red roses are part of a design constant in the Hotel Faena, Martha Salotti 445, Buenos Aires, Argentina (map).
Set in a completely gutted and repurposed industrial building in the section of the city called …

OK, Road Trips Gardeners, this isn’t really a flower.
Floralis Genérica is a massive sculpture of a flower set into the Plaza Naciones Unidas on Av. Presidente Figueroa Alcorta in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Created by Eduardo Catalano, …

Today’s flower is the bright red bloom of the Lobivia arachnacantha v. densiseta, a trichocereae cactus thought to originate in Bolivia. (It’s also known as Echinopsis arachnacanthus.)
Our intrepid photographer caught it blossoming in the desert …

A four-day conference highlighting orchid conservation and education will be held February 25 through 28, 2011, Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel in Peru, home to the largest collection of indigenous orchids in their natural habitat …